The 2022 SRAP Australia-Spain Research Forum promises an exciting program about how the digital world is all around us.
We will discuss three “Big questions” with key experts speakers:
- Dr José-Miguel Bello y Villarino (UTS & SRAP): BIG QUESTION 1: Artificial Intelligence.
- Prof Marta Poblet (RMIT): BIG QUESTION 2: Block Chain
- Dr Vanessa Moss (CSIRO) & Dr Glen Rees (CSIRO): BIG QUESTION 3: Virtual Reality
followed by a series of applied talks with concrete applications of the digital world:
- Dr Nuria Lorente (MQ & SRAP): Digital Astronomy
- Dr Mercedes Roman Dobarco (USyd & SRAP): Digital Soil Mapping
- Prof Abelardo Pardo (Univ. South Australia & SRAP): Digital Education
- Mr Jonathan Zawada: Digital Art and Design
- Dr Marta Ribó (AUT & SRAP): Digital Oceans
We will also host a roundtable about “Is living in a digital world good or bad for humankind?” to trigger the conversations and discussions about what good things have brought the digitalisation… and what bad things!
We will close the 2022 SRAP Australia-Spain Research Forum with the announcement of the winner of the new SRAP-frA Early Career Research Award and the launching of the PhD Cotutelle Program between Macquarie University, SRAP and Instituto Cervantes with two Spanish universities.